It is not a secret; the health crisis caused by COVID19 has changed our lives. Everyday actions such as going shopping or taking a short walk have become much more complicated than they were, to become really hard in some cases
In this context we are. After weeks of confinement, the measures relax and step by step we are recovering a little more of our lives. And now is when we start to be able to go out into the field again, first at a local level. Travelling abroad will follow next. Therefore, our proposals are becoming possible, although for the time being, with many restrictions that must ensure the health safety of users and guides.
This is a post that will surely have to be updated. Our current framework is between some (few) certainties and some (many) doubts. It will be necessary to see how the government or governments concretize the package of security measures with which it seeks to stop the pandemic. It is not a matter of taking it lightly in these moments. There is too much to lose. Therefore on our side we will not fail to comply with the established standards and, if we can, we will go further.
We know a few things:
1. Vehicles can be a source of contagion. Therefore, before and after each service, the surfaces of the cars will be disinfected. And, wherever possible, the use of the guide’s car will be reduced to the maximum.
2. All hides will be disinfected before and after each session. This will require longer waiting times before entering to use them, be patient please.
3. All users must bring their own mask and gloves equipment. We can have a spare set just in case, but don’t charge all on the company. Your involvement is and will be essential. Of course, the guides will also wear a mask and gloves.
4. Let us reduce as much as possible the number of bags that we take to the hide. The less surface less probability of transmission. Anyway the guide will put your bags in large garbage bags with which you will transport the equipment to the hide.
5. The guide will keep the safety distance. Help him/her. It is not necessary to get closer than two meters. Let the guide get out of the hide before you come in. On safaris, always keep this basic measure in mind and don’t bother if the guide reminds you of it.
6. We will supply hydroalcoholic solution before and after all services.

We also know that until the end of the last phase, the international flights will be restricted or even closed at all.
Finally, if it is always good to be in contact, at this moment it is essential and the most effective and agile means is the WhatsApp broadcast list. It is not a group, nobody will send you messages more than us and your answers are between each one of you and us, nobody else sees them. If you are not already on the list you can sign up by sending a message with the word Alarm and your name and surname to 638887681 (Carles Santana).
We will shortly continue to update the information on the necessary measures due to the health crisis caused by COVID19. Do not hesitate to send us your concerns by the means that are most comfortable for you.